Thursday, October 09, 2008

Bad News!!!!!!

8,579.19 -678.91

1,645.12 -95.21

909.92 -75.02

Today’s numbers…pretty bad. If these trends continue, we will be at post 9/11 numbers pretty quickly. The short sellers have been shut down, DUH, they were making fortunes on a falling market. I bailed from the stock market back when the DOW was around 13.5 AGAINST my planners advice, if you stayed in, my advice is "ride it out" if you can. It will come back eventually.
Where is the bottom? Nobody really knows but when it hits bottom, I will buy back what I had at a handsome discount and profit nicely. I hope you are all watching the markets daily, I am looking for another 1987!!!!! THAT was ugly, just watch your money please.
Please be careful, our economy is "iffy" at best…..I think it is going to get much before it gets better. Good luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You certainly were prophetic. I agree too that it is going to get way ugly. I am so glad I am not in the U.S. right now.