Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Being widowed SUCKS

I am dreading Cecil's funeral tomorrow. It is the first funeral I will have attended since Carol's. To make matters worse, it will be held at the same funeral home. I just hate this.


Rob said...


I know how you feel. I've had to attend two funerals within the last 6 months - my late wife's uncle in September and my MIL's (my late wife's mother) in December. Both were held in the same place as my late wife's service was held. I found it did transport me back to that day we remembered my late wife, with all the attendant grief as well.

Sending you strength to get through this.

Take care.

Alicia said...

Yeah, it really does stink. Sorry you have to do this.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. Wishing you strength to face tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I know how hard it must be for you. I lost two of my beloved partners and had to attend both services at the same funeral home.

Love to you...