Monday, February 04, 2008

Health update

Many, Many friends who have supported me through my illness have been asking how I am doing, so here is an update. I do want those people to know how grateful I am for their concern and support. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just had a CT scan on my chest and spoke to the radiologist. He said there is a "nodule" in one lung. He said it might be from the pneumonia or something more serious. He will study the films and decide the next step. If he doesn’t like what he sees he will order a PET scan which he said is more definitive than a CT study. I should know something tomorrow.

I also have an Uncle that is a radiologist and was able to get the CT scan and x-rays burned to a CD so he can evaluate the films. I am hoping for best case while bracing for worst case, but it is what it is. I will deal with whatever comes next.


MagicBeenes said...

Kinda like knowing but not really!! Praying your news will be good.


Anonymous said...

You know my mojo is headed your way...

Anonymous said...

I hope you will receive good news on your health.
