Sunday, February 17, 2008

My apology to Alicia

This has proven to be far more difficult than I originally thought it would be and since this will be the last public writing about you, about us, I didn’t want to screw it up.

On a YWBB thread about "first" relationships you wrote:

" I am no longer in my "first" relationship (or any other) as a widow, but we were together for nearly 2-1/2 years, most of which was very good. Neither of us was looking for a relationship at the time, and we were so grateful when we landed in each other's laps. We helped each other through some of the worst parts of the grief journey, and we showed each other that real happiness and love are indeed possible -- something neither of us had imagined possible."

I posted to the same thread:

"My "first" post-widowed relationship was a huge mistake. Looking back, wish I had taken a pass, but we live, learn and move forward."

I hope to accomplish two things with this blog entry. First, your YWBB post accurately sums up our relationship and mine was made in anger and spite. We did have good times, we did bring each other much needed comfort and love. I really did love you.

Second, and most important I need to apologize to you for every hurtful thing I did and said both privately and publicly. Alicia, I am deeply sorry for hurting you.

I hope you will accept this apology in the spirit it was written. I wish you the very best in your future.




~TigereyeSal~ said...

This is an impressive post- good for you for taking the high road.


Alicia said...

Thank you, Ron. I can appreciate how hard this must have been for you to write and post.

You know that I forgive you, and you know that I, too, wish only the best for you.

-- Alicia

Blue Eyes Crying said...

YVW Alicia, the hard part for me was that I had written ten times what ended up being posted, type, think, edit, type, think, edit.
I wish I had added some remarks from your "clarity" blog post but I finally decided on the shorter version that I finally posted.
I wish we could have at least remained friends but even that didn't even work out.
You will always be a part of who I have become, so in a way the friendship remains in my heart.

Take care,
