Friday, November 30, 2007


Nicotine is THE most addictive substance known to man. I was shocked when I learned this fact. To make matters worse, the companies that produce tobacco products now ADD nicotine to keep people using their products. That really pisses me off and even more determined to free myself from this addiction.

When I decided to give up my vices and get healthy, I gave up alcohol and caffiene surprisingly easy. I didn't sleep well for a week or so but for the amount of booze, java and tea I was consuming it was not that hard to give up. The nicotine is proving to be the most difficult.

For any smokers that happen to read this and you are ready to quit, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. It is free and they enroll you for online help, mail you a workbook and coaches are available 7 days a week from 7 am-11pm. Although my original goal was to quit on my birthday, I have made progress and I will pry myself from the clutches of nicotine.

1 comment:

Suzann said...

Congrats on your decision to quit - it is awesome!! I highly recommend - if you haven't visited the site, it is very supportive. I used it extensively. I am now in my 19th month of not smoking and it is wonderful. Good for you Ron.