Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nothing last forever

It occurred to me as I was installing a new exterior light fixture on my porch that NOTHING lasts forever. THINGS in our lives get lost, broken or just wear out. We replace or repair our things, easy enough.

The same can be said for people in our lives, they die, divorce, break-up or simply fade from our lives. I have much to say about these losses but it just to painful right now.

I have a broken watch on my kitchen island left by a friend who said "just toss it, I'll get a new one". That broken watch is a symbol to me, I refuse to toss something that can be fixed. So for now the watch stays with hope of fixing what it means to me.

1 comment:

Sven said...

Don't know how I came across your blog...but I share your pain. Lost my wife at (49 years old) to breast cancer that spread to her brain. Hang in there...your not alone. Sven in Chicago