Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I am really excited about this.

I have been on a waiting list for about 6 weeks to see a certain therapist. I finally saw her for the first time today. She asked lots of questions and when we got to the part about what medications I was taking, she almost flipped out. She explained that every substance we put in our body effects the brain. She went on to say that the majority of people on anti-depressants do not belong taking them and that in her opinion do far more harm then good for the patient.
Anyway, I was on a new drug (developed in the 50s) that I had a bad reaction to and she said the MD that prescribed the drug should have his license pulled.
She explained how she operates and her goal is help me get off any meds. Next visit she is going to perform hypnotherapy on me. She says we all have issues that cannot be identified in a conscious state. She gave me a questionnaire to fill out and a workbook that she wants me to complete before my next appointment.
I am excited that I might be able to figure out and solve things and get off prescriptions all together.


Rob said...


That is good news. I wonder if any of the prescription meds are exacerbating the nicotine withdrawal?

Just a thought.

Wishing you all the best in making some forward progress.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Your a good and strong man to take that step. Hang in there Ron.
