Sunday, December 09, 2007

Who is reading the crap I write?

Just curious who really reads the useless writings of this lost widower. My site meter goes up a little each day, but few comments are left. I just write whatever comes to mind, mostly boring drivel but I must wonder "who" reads the useless tidbits I post.

It would be nice to know who reads. Oh well, it doesn't matter, this is therapy for me. I do appreciate the few comments left so post your thoughts already dammit, LOL.


Anonymous said...

I read it! There are women out here that appreciate your POV and your struggle...

Just call me your secret admirer *wink*

Anonymous said...

Hey Ron,

It's Karen (KWH on the YWBB) Don't know if you remember me or not but I met you in Florida last year. I read, but never post, or at least I hadn't previously posted. Keep writing. And I wish you well on giving up the smoking.

Marsha said...

((Hand raised as a closet blog reader of yours))
Sorry we missed the St. Louis bago this year---hopefully we can get together soon.

Rob said...

Hey Ron,

I read your blog now and then. It's one way to see how you're doing since unregistering from ywbb a while ago. Although we've not really met, blog reading is one way to sort of stay in touch with folks I kind of "know" from the bb. But, I am mostly a lurker.

Best wishes and take care. And good luck with kicking the smoking thing.


Blue Eyes Crying said...

Thanks for the input. It was a mystery as to who was ready but not commenting. Thanks again

Laura said...

I left one comment, on my first visit, a few days ago. I am one of those who isn't "fitting in" on the widow board. I enjoy reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Crap reader from Chicago, checking in!


I hope you didn't have problems due to the ice storm. I've been thinking about you and the other St. Louis widows.